Located in Sun City, Lincoln Hills in Northern California, the Lincoln Hills Bird Group is an informal group of residents who share a love of birds and have an interest in learning more about them.  We enjoy the challenge of learning how to identify birds that live in our area and those that pass through as they make their way up and down the Pacific Flyway. The premise of the bird group as established by our early founders, is to be a loose flock, not bound by strict club guidelines. 

Our meetings are held at 1:30 PM on the second Monday of each month in the Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall. There is no meeting in August when we and the birds prefer to escape the summer heat.  We have an array of interesting speakers who are often experts in their fields. These might include speakers, for example, from local organizations such as the Sierra Foothills Audubon Society, Ducks Unlimited, state wildlife agencies or the California Rice Commission whose rice fields provide the habitat for migrating waterfowl.   We also bring in ornithologists or other known birding experts, wildlife photographers, or sometimes show video features from the likes of National Geographic, National Audubon Society or Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Come and join us on one of our regularly scheduled walks or at one of our seasonally scheduled programs. For information about our meetings and outings please email us at suncitybirders@sclhbirders.org so we can place you on our email list or you can contact Sal Acosta: quailrun@wavecable.com. You can also get information in Compass Magazine, a Lincoln Hills publication for residents of Sun City.
 © 2022 By Lincoln Hills Bird Group - All rights reserved
Below are scheduled walks for the upcoming season. Details will be emailed as dates get closer (make sure you are on the group's email list). All are subject to change depending on weather or circumstances.
Staten Island Rd.