Find an injured or orphaned animal and not sure what to do with it? Find out your best options on this website. You can also volunteer to help these animals.
This is the organization that manages the riparian areas in Sun City Lincoln. Find out how and where they do it and how you can volunteer to help.
iBird Pro - One of the most popular apps for identifying birds and listening to bird sounds. For iPhones, iPads, Kindles and Android products.
Cornell works with citizen-science participants to understand and protect birds. Sign up for free, informative newsletters.
Use this site to find out more about the Sierra Foothills Audubon Society chapter. Use the Activities page to participate in events and Conservation page to foster online communications about issues important to you.
Follow the ducks along the flyways. See and understand what conservation efforts are underway across the continent. You may be able to help.
We're lucky to have wildlife refuges like this so close to us. Go here if you want to take some great bird photos and see nature at its finest. There are hiking trails and driving tours. Restrooms at the entrance. Look for the Black-crowned Night Heron rookery.
Lots of roads with openings in the reeds that get you fairly close to the ducks and shore birds. There are trees in some areas with raptors to see and photograph, including bald eagles. Takes a little over an hour to get there from Lincoln. Be sure to visit the museum.
Everything birding - articles, blogs, videos, links, you name it. Spend an afternoon or all day just browsing through all the info.
Started in 1905, this is the ultimate organization dedicated to conservation. You can spend your days researching birds and other forms of wildlife on this website.
If you can't get enough of those local bird hikes there's even more available to you through the Sacramento Audubon Society. Lots of handy stuff on this website including a comprehensive collection of checklists, some with info on the likelihood of spotting various birds based on the time of year.