In addition to the monthly meetings with speakers from local organizations, we usually have two outings per month to view and have fun identifying birds in the field. These are sometimes social events where we stop for lunch or dinner. Our field trips include walking some of our Lincoln Hills trails, visiting wildlife refuges up and down the Sacramento Valley or traveling to other sites known to be rich in birds. We usually do a couple of overnight trips during the year, for example, a pontoon boat ride at Elkhorn Slough (Moss Landing) in the Monterey area or Mono Lake, Calaveras Big Pines, Bodega Bay or Sierra Valley.

All Lincoln Hills residents are welcome to attend our meetings. We maintain an e-mail list of interested individuals - currently over 400 strong - through which we remind you of upcoming events and occasionally update you with all the recent "Bird Poop".

 © 2021 By Lincoln Hills Bird Group - All rights reserved
If you are new to birding there is no better way to learn all about where the birds are hiding and how to identify them than by taking leisurely walks with folks who have been doing it for years and who are more than happy to demonstrate their knowledge of the hobby.

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